Effective Fabric Deodorizer To Eliminate Odors

By Vincent Platania

Some odors, like cigarette smoke and pet dander, can lurk in your home for days, even weeks. To rid your abode of such unpleasant smells, you’ll need to use a safe and effective fabric deodorizer. Your key objective is to eradicate the scent, not just mask it. Too many odor-elimination techniques simply replace one odor with another more perfumed and equally annoying scent. The added smells only get caught in fabrics, making them harder to clean. Moreover, most odor-masking methods offer only a temporary solution, and can even be a bit dangerous if harsh chemicals are used. So you may be asking if it’s possible to remove disagreeable odors without adding more air pollution to your home or residue to your fabrics. The answer is yes if you use an effective fabric deodorizer properly.

Most people believe that especially pungent smells in large surface areas like furniture, carpets and drapes, require equally strong chemicals to remove them. Your first reaction may be to use a large, bulky steam-cleaning machine. Unfortunately, these giants can actually do the opposite; they can steam-in the odors through the combination of moisture and heat.

Before you use a steam-cleaner, be sure to use a natural fabric and carpet deodorizer. Those that have natural ingredients are best since they pose little danger to you or your home environment. Unlike their chemical counterparts, natural fabric and carpet deodorizers do not cover the scent; instead the blends of natural elements eliminate them.


You must try to figure out if the odor has crept through the bottom of your carpet and onto the pad. You’ll simply need to lift the carpet to see if there are any obvious stains on the pad. If stains are visible, then clean the pad and carpet backing with fabric deodorizer. If you cannot lift the carpet and you’re pretty sure the cause of the odor has seeped through, then you’ll need to use a syringe to inject fabric deodorizer underneath the carpet and into the padding.

Prior to applying a carpet deodorizer, you must to vacuum the area, and be painstakingly thorough. After you’ve vacuumed, use the carpet deodorizer following the instructions on the product’s label. Most deodorizers can be sprayed directly onto the carpet. After the carpet has dried, simply smell the area for any lingering odors. You may have to repeat this procedure several times before the odor has completely gone.

After the fabric deodorizer has eliminated the odor, then, and only then, may you steam clean, and relax in the knowledge that you won’t be setting-in any permanent odors.

You may use the same methods when cleaning draperies. Because many dry cleaners apply both steam and dry heat, you’ll want to use a fabric deodorizer on your draperies prior to dry cleaning. Simply apply a natural fabric deodorizer to the drapes using a spray bottle and give the draperies time to dry. Test for odors and repeat as necessary.

You may also use Fabric deodorizers on furniture, which is where smells from smoke and pets tend to dwell. Simply vacuum your furniture before applying a deodorizer, and then apply as directed. Quality deodorizers will not discolor the fabric, though you’ll still want to test the product on a hidden area. Also remember that natural fabric deodorizers are not apt to stain.

Some odors that seem to have permanently set-up house, like bad urine stains, will need extra powerful cleanings. In these cases, a good fabric deodorizer used regularly on the problem areas will neutralize the smells, and even prevent your pets from returning to the same areas as they will not have the odor marking the area. Using a fabric deodorizer habitually will keep your house smelling naturally fresh and clean.

About the Author: Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit




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